School assessment data can be found by clicking on the link below:
Maryland Report Card Link
Please see the updated Parents tab for information on Amazon Smile. Amazon Smile is a year-round fundraiser that supports our PTA with purchases that you are making on Amazon anyway! Click the link below to learn more:
Amazon Smile Parent Link
Attention car riders:
Here's a map indicating our drop off and pick up locations.
AES Carline Diagram

Through the BCPS One system, all the district's programs and initiatives around student data, assessments, curriculum, instruction, reporting, and analysis are being fully integrated into a single, user-friendly, platform. BCPS One has been implemented to provide a Web-based communication and collaboration set of tools which provide a single, unified presence to distribute information and actively engage the community in the instructional process. Through BCPS One, educators are also able to communicate classroom level information with colleagues, leadership, parents, and students.
For more information, please click the link below.